The ‘RailMadad’ app allows passengers to lodge complaints through Mobile APP & WEB platform and enables them to check real-time feedback on the status of redressal of their complaints.

About the App
RailMadad is a grievance redressal system by Indian Railways. It has unprecedented reach, speed and efficiency. RailMadad can be accessed by any railway customer (passenger, parcel or freight customer) who has a grievance with service delivery of Indian Railways (inside or outside India). There are multiple means of using the services of RailMadad such as, the option of logging in on a web-portal through a search engine, Integrated Railway Helpline number 139, MobileApp (Android and iOS), Email, Social Media, access through SMS and Manual Dak. Integrated Railway Helpline number 139 extends full conversational capability in ten major Indian languages, besides Hindi and English.
Challenges and Solutions
Before RailMadad came into existence, Passenger Grievance Redressal on Indian Railways was beset by a number of shortcomings which have now been taken care of.
- Top-down approach
- Unique complaint registration
- No real-time redressal
- Wastage of manpower
- No convergence
- Registration process cumbersome
- Earlier systems not linked with National Train Enquiry System (NTES)
- Non-homogenous heads/subheads
- Multiple Helplines
- MIS reports
- Average Disposal time and rate
The high popularity of RailMadad with citizens can be attributed to the following factors:
- Ease of living/travelling: Single portal for assistance, inquiry and grievance redressal while travelling on Indian Railways.
- Ease of accessibility/Convergence: Accessible through all channels – Web, App, Phone (voice & IVRS), SMS, Social Media, Manual Dak.
- Ease of registering complaints: Minimum inputs required to lodge complaint; modular heads/subheads across channels.
- Redressal on fast forward/De-Layering: Complaint is transferred directly to concerned field unit.
- Accountability: Unique CRN (Complaint Registration Number) generated for every complaint; facility to track complaint and give feedback on redressal.
- Citizen-Empowerment: Citizen charter implemented through RailMadad.
- Digital India: Linked with existing ticketing systems of Indian Railways, like NTES, Passenger Reservation System (PRS),Unreserved Ticketing System (UTS)and Integrated Coaching Management Systems (ICMS).
- Proper utilization of Manpower: Due to direct assignment of complaints to concerned entities and availability of integrated MIS, Railways have been able to save over 27,720 man-hours per month. These man hours were earlier wasted in communicating complaints to the concerned point of contact, and in compiling MIS reports on grievances across channels.